Kobian has launched Mercury Android 4.0 ICS-ready mTab Neo 2 tablet priced Rs. 14,999 with one year warranty. Currently running Android 2.3 Gingerbread, Kobian says the mTab Neo2 will support an upgrade to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, due to be released within four weeks.
Specifications includes 512MB of RAM, 8GB of built-in storage expandable through a microSD card (up to 32GB), and a 16:9 aspect multi-touch display, with a 1,600K colour gamut.The Mercury mTab Neo features Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS, apart from 3G.
The Mercury mTab Neo2 has both front and rear-facing cameras, as well as an HDMI out port, to stream HD quality video. The mTab Neo 2 will supposedly deliver 6 hours of battery life as well.
A host of Android 4.0 ICS tablets were announced in the past couple of weeks, from Micromax’s Funbook, Zync’s Z-990, to HCL’s new ME Tab U1 and MyEdu Tab K12 and HE. Being a 7-inch tablet however, Mercury mTab Neo 2 is priced surprisingly high compared to these others, however, it does boast of a dual-core 1.2GHz processor (ARM Cortex A8), as well as built-in 3G connectivity, and voice call support.